Loving What Is and Working Towards Change in Our Children

In my clinical practice, my experience and belief is that every child has a path to wellness that is unique. In my heart, I ALSO believe that every child and adult must be loved just as they are now, without expectation of change. I am always working to find the way to balance these two for each family.  

When I do NeuroDevelopmental Movement® assessments I usually see other factors that also need to be addressed that may include diet, allergies, neurotransmitter balances, chiropractic issues, heavy metal toxicity, and retroviruses. For each child, the pathway through all of this is unique. And please note that even if they all had the same diagnosis, the path would be UNIQUE. And when I refer people on to address these other issues, we continue the NDM® as a foundation.

I know that when I meet with families there are many whose response to taking on NDM sounds like “Wow, this is going to be like climbing Mt. Everest, but we know our child can get there and we are willing to do it.” I have other families whose response might sound like “Wow, this is going to be like climbing Mt. Everest and we are so happy with our disabled child who is wonderful just as s/he is and this may just be too much.”

Neither response is wrong, but of course people who are drawn to NeuroDevelopmental Movement are in usually in the first group.I think it is necessary to always be able to find that balance between total acceptance of a child and finding their unique pathway to wellness.

What I do NOT accept is a diagnosis followed by the cruel assumption that this is permanent. I know that some medical professionals will warn against ‘false hope’. What I find much more dangerous is false despair. Hope engages a pathway in the brain that leads to the generation of new neurons. Despair leads to a suppression of brain activity.